#échateuncable y hazte amig@ INTRAMURS

Janice Martins – Aotrópico Edén

Janice Martins – Aotrópico Edén


Considering the famous work of Helio Oitizica Eden as a starting point, we propose the recreation of a kind of paradisiacal mini refuge for artists and art lovers that will be temporarily installed in different streets or squares of the city. To this end, a mobile support will be built to move following a schedule, including different activities to dynamize the space.



(1972, Porto Alegre, Brasil).

Eco-Artist, especially interested in public actions, both in urban and rural communities. Doctor in Visual Poetics and Magister in Creative Processes (UFRGS and UDESC, Brazil), member of the Visual Poetics Committee of the National Association of Plastic Arts Researchers (Brazil). Her latest works include the curatorship of Grude pela Democracia in Porto Alegre and Florianópolis (Brazil), which could be seen during the Intramurs 2016 festival at the IVAM in Valencia (Spain), as well as her project Jardín en Movimiento (Moving Garden). In 2017 she was one of the two artists in residence at the FAVA365 art festival in Vilanova de Alcolea, where she presented the work Açude, Assut, Azud.

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